Trending Blog Topics from KerberRose

Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Financial Aid Rule Change: Grandparents Can Now Contribute to 529 Plans Without Penalty

Grandparents who wish to help pay for their grandchildren’s college tuition will soon be able to contribute to a 529 college savings plan without reducing their grandchildren’s eligibility for federal financial aid. Upcoming changes to financial aid rules will do away with current rules, which have prevented many grandparents from contributing to a 529 plan for fear of decreasing the amount of federal aid for which their grandchildren will be eligible.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Proposed Regulations for Inherited IRAs Bring Unwelcome Surprises

Back in late 2019, the first significant legislation addressing retirement savings since 2006 became law. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act has resulted in many changes to retirement and estate planning strategies, yet it also raised some questions. The IRS has been left to fill the gaps, most recently with the February 2022 release of proposed regulations which have left many taxpayers confused and unsure of how to proceed.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Financial Planning with Health Insurance in Mind

“Financially speaking, what would be the worst thing that could happen to you?” If you ask a hundred people in their forties that question, you may get a dozen different answers. Some may say “my business going under” or “losing my house.” Some might say “a divorce,” “a lawsuit,” or “being laid off.” But how many would say “a severe illness?”

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Past Wars and Market Performance

Since the dawn of time, war and conflict have been with us throughout history, bringing with them their own horrors and uncertainty. Stock markets do not like uncertainty, and when war and conflict strike, stock markets will exhibit bouts of short-term volatility. Wars and conflict can and have led to sharp pullbacks in the markets.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Pondering The Next Stage in Retirement’s Evolution

A recent survey confirms retirement now looks different for everyone, and there is no “right” path to retirement. Views on retirement differ by generation, with a majority of those surveyed envisioning their financial future will be different from their grandparents, parents and children.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

KRW Newsletter - 3rd Quarter 2021

“The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again.” – James Earl Jones (Field of Dreams)

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

KRW Newsletter - 2nd Quarter 2021

“Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.” - Wyatt Earp

The current economic recovery - which has come out firing fast and has performed better than most would have expected – has no historical precedent.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Insurance Needs when Married with Children

A growing family, by definition, means growing financial obligations – both in the present and in the future. Raising children can increase your insurance needs and heightens the urgency for being properly prepared.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Cash Flow Management

You’ve probably heard the saying that “cash is king,” and that truth applies whether you own a business or not. Most discussions of business and personal “financial planning” involve tomorrow’s goals, but those goals may not be realized without attention to cash flow, today.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Yes, Time is Everything

The saying goes, timing is everything, but not in the stock market. In the stock market, time is everything. More specifically, your time in the stock market, or how long you stay invested, is everything. Timing the stock market is extremely hard to do, even for the most sophisticated investors.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Estate Planning 101: Top 5 Steps to Start

Many people believe estate planning is simply divvying up your assets after you die and is exclusive to the wealthy; however, it entails much more and applies to everyone. Proper estate planning ensures your family and beneficiaries are provided for and have access to your assets upon your temporary or permanent incapacity.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Debunking Common Retirement Assumptions

Financial generalizations are as old as time. Some have been around for decades, while others have only recently joined their ranks. Let’s examine a few.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Understanding Your Retirement Options

Like Gov. Evers, KerberRose Wealth Management hopes to educate our clients about the importance of saving for retirement and the many tools available to optimize your financial security upon leaving the workforce.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Retirement Readiness: Planning for the first day of the rest of your life

Much has been made of the current state of the American worker as it pertains to their retirement savings. According to a recent study by the General Accountability Office, 29% of Americans 55 and older do not have any retirement savings or pension plan and those who have saved are woefully behind with 55-64 year olds averaging $104,000 in retirement assets.1

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